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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Write-Error', in PowerShell version 5 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Writes an object to the error stream.


Write-Error [-Message] <String> [-Category {NotSpecified | OpenError | CloseError | DeviceError | DeadlockDetected | InvalidArgument | InvalidData | InvalidOperation |
InvalidResult | InvalidType | MetadataError | NotImplemented | NotInstalled | ObjectNotFound | OperationStopped | OperationTimeout | SyntaxError | ParserError |
PermissionDenied | ResourceBusy | ResourceExists | ResourceUnavailable | ReadError | WriteError | FromStdErr | SecurityError | ProtocolError | ConnectionError |
AuthenticationError | LimitsExceeded | QuotaExceeded | NotEnabled}] [-CategoryActivity [<String>]] [-CategoryReason [<String>]] [-CategoryTargetName [<String>]]
[-CategoryTargetType [<String>]] [-ErrorId [<String>]] [-InformationAction {SilentlyContinue | Stop | Continue | Inquire | Ignore | Suspend}] [-InformationVariable
[<System.String>]] [-RecommendedAction [<String>]] [-TargetObject [<Object>]] [<CommonParameters>]
Write-Error [-Category {NotSpecified | OpenError | CloseError | DeviceError | DeadlockDetected | InvalidArgument | InvalidData | InvalidOperation | InvalidResult |
InvalidType | MetadataError | NotImplemented | NotInstalled | ObjectNotFound | OperationStopped | OperationTimeout | SyntaxError | ParserError | PermissionDenied |
ResourceBusy | ResourceExists | ResourceUnavailable | ReadError | WriteError | FromStdErr | SecurityError | ProtocolError | ConnectionError | AuthenticationError |
LimitsExceeded | QuotaExceeded | NotEnabled}] [-CategoryActivity [<String>]] [-CategoryReason [<String>]] [-CategoryTargetName [<String>]] [-CategoryTargetType [<String>]]
[-ErrorId [<String>]] [-InformationAction {SilentlyContinue | Stop | Continue | Inquire | Ignore | Suspend}] [-InformationVariable [<System.String>]] [-Message <String>]
[-RecommendedAction [<String>]] [-TargetObject [<Object>]] -Exception <Exception> [<CommonParameters>]
Write-Error [-CategoryActivity [<String>]] [-CategoryReason [<String>]] [-CategoryTargetName [<String>]] [-CategoryTargetType [<String>]] [-InformationAction
{SilentlyContinue | Stop | Continue | Inquire | Ignore | Suspend}] [-InformationVariable [<System.String>]] [-RecommendedAction [<String>]] -ErrorRecord <ErrorRecord>

Search powershellhelp.space


The Write-Error cmdlet declares a non-terminating error. By default, errors are sent in the error stream to the host program to be displayed, along with output.

To write a non-terminating error, enter an error message string, an ErrorRecord object, or an Exception object. Use the other parameters of Write-Error to populate the
error record.

Non-terminating errors write an error to the error stream, but they do not stop command processing. If a non-terminating error is declared on one item in a collection of
input items, the command continues to process the other items in the collection.

To declare a terminating error, use the Throw keyword. For more information, see about_Throw (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=145153).



Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=294028




-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

PS C:\>Get-ChildItem | ForEach-Object { if ($_.GetType().ToString() -eq "Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey") {Write-Error "Invalid object" -ErrorID B1 -Targetobject $_ } else {$_
} }

This command declares a non-terminating error when the Get-ChildItem cmdlet returns a Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey object, such as the objects in the HKLM: or HKCU: drives of
the Windows PowerShell Registry provider.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS C:\>Write-Error "Access denied."

This command declares a non-terminating error and writes an "Access denied" error. The command uses the Message parameter to specify the message, but omits the optional
Message parameter name.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

PS C:\>Write-Error -Message "Error: Too many input values." -Category InvalidArgument

This command declares a non-terminating error and specifies an error category.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

PS C:\>$e = [System.Exception]@{$e =
PS C:\> Write-Error $e -Message "Files not found. The $Files location does not contain any XML files."

This command uses an Exception object to declare a non-terminating error.

The first command uses a hash table to create the System.Exception object. It saves the exception object in the $e variable. You can use a hash table to create any object of
a type that has a null constructor.

The second command uses the Write-Error cmdlet to declare a non-terminating error. The value of the Exception parameter is the Exception object in the $e variable.