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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Set-VMNetworkAdapter', in PowerShell version 5 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Configures features of the virtual network adapter in a virtual machine or the management operating system.


Set-VMNetworkAdapter [-AllowTeaming <OnOffState>] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-DhcpGuard <OnOffState>] [-DynamicIPAddressLimit <UInt32>] [-IeeePriorityTag <OnOffState>]
[-IovInterruptModeration <IovInterruptModerationValue>] [-IovQueuePairsRequested <UInt32>] [-IovWeight <UInt32>] [-IPsecOffloadMaximumSecurityAssociation <UInt32>]
[-MacAddressSpoofing <OnOffState>] [-MandatoryFeatureId <String[]>] [-MaximumBandwidth <Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthAbsolute <Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthWeight <UInt32>] [-Name
<String>] [-NotMonitoredInCluster <Boolean>] [-Passthru] [-PortMirroring <VMNetworkAdapterPortMirroringMode>] [-ResourcePoolName <String>] [-RouterGuard <OnOffState>]
[-StormLimit <UInt32>] [-TestReplicaPoolName <String>] [-TestReplicaSwitchName <String>] [-VirtualSubnetId <UInt32>] [-VMNetworkAdapterName <String>] [-VmqWeight <UInt32>]
-ManagementOS [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-VMNetworkAdapter [-VMName] <String> [-AllowTeaming <OnOffState>] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-DhcpGuard <OnOffState>] [-DynamicIPAddressLimit <UInt32>]
[-DynamicMacAddress] [-IeeePriorityTag <OnOffState>] [-IovInterruptModeration <IovInterruptModerationValue>] [-IovQueuePairsRequested <UInt32>] [-IovWeight <UInt32>]
[-IPsecOffloadMaximumSecurityAssociation <UInt32>] [-MacAddressSpoofing <OnOffState>] [-MandatoryFeatureId <String[]>] [-MaximumBandwidth <Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthAbsolute
<Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthWeight <UInt32>] [-Name <String>] [-NotMonitoredInCluster <Boolean>] [-Passthru] [-PortMirroring <VMNetworkAdapterPortMirroringMode>]
[-ResourcePoolName <String>] [-RouterGuard <OnOffState>] [-StaticMacAddress <String>] [-StormLimit <UInt32>] [-TestReplicaPoolName <String>] [-TestReplicaSwitchName
<String>] [-VirtualSubnetId <UInt32>] [-VMNetworkAdapterName <String>] [-VmqWeight <UInt32>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-VMNetworkAdapter [-VMNetworkAdapter] <VMNetworkAdapterBase> [-AllowTeaming <OnOffState>] [-DhcpGuard <OnOffState>] [-DynamicIPAddressLimit <UInt32>] [-DynamicMacAddress]
[-IeeePriorityTag <OnOffState>] [-IovInterruptModeration <IovInterruptModerationValue>] [-IovQueuePairsRequested <UInt32>] [-IovWeight <UInt32>]
[-IPsecOffloadMaximumSecurityAssociation <UInt32>] [-MacAddressSpoofing <OnOffState>] [-MandatoryFeatureId <String[]>] [-MaximumBandwidth <Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthAbsolute
<Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthWeight <UInt32>] [-NotMonitoredInCluster <Boolean>] [-Passthru] [-PortMirroring <VMNetworkAdapterPortMirroringMode>] [-ResourcePoolName <String>]
[-RouterGuard <OnOffState>] [-StaticMacAddress <String>] [-StormLimit <UInt32>] [-TestReplicaPoolName <String>] [-TestReplicaSwitchName <String>] [-VirtualSubnetId <UInt32>]
[-VmqWeight <UInt32>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Set-VMNetworkAdapter [-VM] <VirtualMachine> [-AllowTeaming <OnOffState>] [-DhcpGuard <OnOffState>] [-DynamicIPAddressLimit <UInt32>] [-DynamicMacAddress] [-IeeePriorityTag
<OnOffState>] [-IovInterruptModeration <IovInterruptModerationValue>] [-IovQueuePairsRequested <UInt32>] [-IovWeight <UInt32>] [-IPsecOffloadMaximumSecurityAssociation
<UInt32>] [-MacAddressSpoofing <OnOffState>] [-MandatoryFeatureId <String[]>] [-MaximumBandwidth <Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthAbsolute <Int64>] [-MinimumBandwidthWeight
<UInt32>] [-Name <String>] [-NotMonitoredInCluster <Boolean>] [-Passthru] [-PortMirroring <VMNetworkAdapterPortMirroringMode>] [-ResourcePoolName <String>] [-RouterGuard
<OnOffState>] [-StaticMacAddress <String>] [-StormLimit <UInt32>] [-TestReplicaPoolName <String>] [-TestReplicaSwitchName <String>] [-VirtualSubnetId <UInt32>]
[-VMNetworkAdapterName <String>] [-VmqWeight <UInt32>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Search powershellhelp.space


The Set-VMNetworkAdapter cmdlet configures features of the virtual network adapter in a virtual machine or the management operating system.



Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=306948




Example 1

PS C:\> Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName Redmond -DhcpGuard On

This example enables DHCP Guard on all the virtual network adapters of virtual machine Redmond. When DHCP Guard enabled, if virtual machine Redmond replies to requests from
DHCP clients, these replies are dropped.

Example 2

PS C:\> Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName Kirkland –PortMirroring Source

This example enables port mirroring for all virtual network adapters on virtual machine Kirkland. When port mirroring is enabled, every packet sent or received by this
virtual machine is copied and sent to a monitoring virtual machine.

Example 3

PS C:\> Set-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName Bellevue –Name PM_Dest –PortMirroring Destination

This example configures the virtual network adapter named PM_Dest as the destination for port mirroring, which configures the virtual machine named Bellevue to monitor
network traffic. That is, a copy of every packet sent or received by a monitored virtual machine connected to the same virtual switch is sent to virtual machine Bellevue
through virtual network adapter PM_Dest.

Example 4

PS C:\> Get-VMNetworkAdapter –All | Set-VMNetworkAdapter –VmqWeight 100

This example enables VMQ and sets a weight of 100 on every virtual network adapter on the local host.

Example 5

PS C:\> Get-VM Redmond | Set-VMNetworkAdapter –AllowTeaming On

This example configures NIC Teaming for all virtual network adapters of the virtual machine named Redmond.

Example 6

PS C:\> Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName Redmond,Kirkland,Bellevue | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -MinimumBandwidthWeight 1

This example sets the same minimum bandwidth weight for all virtual network adapters of three virtual machines: Redmond, Kirkland, and Bellevue. This configuration shares
bandwidth equally among all of the virtual network adapters of these virtual machines.