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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'New-NetQosPolicy', in PowerShell version 5 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Creates a new network Quality of Service (QoS) policy.


New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AppPathNameMatchCondition <String>] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-IPDstPortEndMatchCondition <UInt16>]
[-IPDstPortMatchCondition <UInt16>] [-IPDstPortStartMatchCondition <UInt16>] [-IPDstPrefixMatchCondition <String>] [-IPProtocolMatchCondition <Protocol>]
[-IPSrcPortEndMatchCondition <UInt16>] [-IPSrcPortMatchCondition <UInt16>] [-IPSrcPortStartMatchCondition <UInt16>] [-IPSrcPrefixMatchCondition <String>]
[-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>] [-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit
<Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] [-UserMatchCondition <String>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AppPathNameMatchCondition <String>] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-IPProtocolMatchCondition <Protocol>]
[-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>] [-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit
<Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] [-UserMatchCondition <String>] -IPPortMatchCondition <UInt16> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>]
[-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] -SMB [-Confirm]
[-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>]
[-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] -Default [-Confirm]
[-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-IPDstPrefixMatchCondition <String>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>]
[-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] [-URIRecursiveMatchCondition <Boolean>]
-URIMatchCondition <String> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>]
[-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] -iSCSI [-Confirm]
[-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>] [-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-ThrottleLimit
<Int32>] -NetDirectPortMatchCondition <UInt16> -PriorityValue8021Action <SByte> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>] [-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-ThrottleLimit
<Int32>] -FCOE -PriorityValue8021Action <SByte> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>]
[-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] -Cluster [-Confirm]
[-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>]
[-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] -NFS [-Confirm]
[-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-NetQosPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-DSCPAction <SByte>] [-MinBandwidthWeightAction <Byte>] [-NetworkProfile <NetworkProfile>]
[-PolicyStore <String>] [-Precedence <UInt32>] [-PriorityValue8021Action <SByte>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-ThrottleRateActionBitsPerSecond <UInt64>] -LiveMigration
[-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Search powershellhelp.space


The New-NetQosPolicy cmdlet creates a new network Quality of Service (QoS) policy. A QoS policy consists of two main parts: match conditions also known as filters, and
actions. Match conditions such as the name by which an application is run in Windows Server® 2012 and later or a TCP port number decide to what traffic the policy is
relating. Parameters such as DSCPAction and ThrottleRateAction determine how the policy is to handle the matched traffic. Besides match conditions and actions, there are
also some general parameters such as NetworkProfile and Precedence that the users can customize for a QoS policy.

A list of well-known match conditions, or filters, in the form of parameters is provided: FCoE, Cluster (3343),LiveMigration (6600), iSCSI (3260), NFS (2049), and SMB (445).
Each of them matches a well-known TCP port specified in the brackets. The only exception is FCoE, which matches EtherType 0x8906. These filters must be used alone for
filtering purpose. In other words, they cannot be mixed with other match condition parameters.

QoS policies can be stored in multiple locations. Users can choose a location by specifying the PolicyStore parameter. If the PolicyStore parameter is not specified, then
the new policy is added to local computer (localhost). If a policy is stored in ActiveStore, then the policy will not persist after reboot.



Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=287435





PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy –Name "SMB Policy" -SMB -PriorityValue8021Action 3
Name : SMB Policy
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
Template : SMB
PriorityValue : 3

This example creates a QoS policy named SMB Policy, that classifies SMB traffic and tags it with 802.1p priority value of 3. The SMB parameter is a built-in filter that
matches TCP port 445, which is reserved for SMB.


PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy –Name "FTP" -AppPathNameMatchCondition ftp.exe -ThrottleRateActionBytesPerSecond 1MB -PolicyStore ActiveStore
Name : FTP
Owner : PowerShell / WMI
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
AppPathName : ftp.exe
ThrottleRate : 1 MBytes/sec

This example creates a QoS policy named FTP, that matches an application path at ftp.exe and throttles the traffic at 1,000,000 bytes per second. This policy is ActiveStore,
meaning that it is not persistent after reboot of the computer.

An alias for the ThrottleRateActionBytesPerSecond parameter is MaxBw.


PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy –Name "Backup" -IPDstPrefixMatchCondition -NetworkProfile Domain -DSCPAction 40
Name : Backup
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : Domain
Precedence : 127
IPProtocol : Both
IPDstPrefix :
DSCPValue : 40

This example creates a QoS policy named Backup, that matches traffic sent to subnet and tags it with DSCP value of 40. This policy is effective only on traffic
sent on a domain-joined network adapter.


PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy –Name "HTTP" -IPPort 80 -IPProtocol TCP -ThrottleRateActionBytesPerSecond 10MB
Name : HTTP
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
IPProtocol : TCP
IPPort : 80
ThrottleRate : 10 MBytes/sec

This example creates a QoS policy that matches TCP traffic sent to port 80 and rate-limits it at 10,000,000 bytes per second.


PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy –Name "Wildcard" -Default -MinBandwidthWeightAction 30
Name : wildcard
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
Template : Default
MinBandwidthWeight : 30

This example creates a QoS policy named Wildcard, that catches all the traffic that does not match a specific QoS policy and assigns a minimum bandwidth weight of 30 to such


PS C:\> New-NetQosPolicy –Name "IIS" -URIMatchCondition "http://training" -ThrottleRateActionBytesPerSecond 500KB
Name : IIS
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : Domain
Precedence : 127
URI : http://training/
URIRecursive : False
ThrottleRate : 500 KBytes/sec

This example creates a QoS policy named IIS, that matches return traffic from an HTTP server application with the specified URI and rate limit the return traffic at 500,000
bytes per second.