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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'New-ADCentralAccessPolicy', in PowerShell version 5 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Creates a new central access policy in Active Directory containing a set of central access rules.


New-ADCentralAccessPolicy [-Name] <String> [-AuthType {Negotiate | Basic}] [-Credential <PSCredential>] [-Description <String>] [-Instance <ADCentralAccessPolicy>]
[-PassThru] [-ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion <Boolean>] [-Server <String>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

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The New-ADCentralAccessPolicy cmdlet creates a new central access policy in Active Directory. A central access policy in Active Directory contains a set of central access



Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=291060




-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

PS C:\>$DepartmentResourceProperty = Get-ADResourceProperty -Identity Department
PS C:\> $ResourceCondition = "(@RESOURCE." + $DepartmentResourceProperty.Name + " Contains {`"Finance`"})"
PS C:\> New-ADCentralAccessRule -Name "Finance Documents Rule" -ResourceCondition $ResourceCondition

This example creates a new central access rule named Finance Documents Rule with a new resource condition. The resource condition scopes the resources to ones containing the
value Finance in their Department resource property.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS C:\>$CountryClaimType = Get-ADClaimType -Identity Country
PS C:\> $DepartmentClaimType = Get-ADClaimType -Identity Department
PS C:\> $CountryResourceProperty = Get-ADResourceProperty -Identity Country
PS C:\> $DepartmentResourceProperty = Get-ADResourceProperty -Identity Department
PS C:\> $FinanceException = Get-ADGroup -Identity FinanceException
PS C:\> $FinanceAdmin = Get-ADGroup -Identity FinanceAdmin
PS C:\> $ResourceCondition = "(@RESOURCE." + $departmentResourceProperty.Name + " Contains {`"Finance`"})"
PS C:\> $CurrentAcl = "O:SYG:SYD:AR(A;;FA;;;OW)(A;;FA;;;BA)(A;;0x1200a9;;;" + $FinanceException.SID.Value + ")(A;;0x1301bf;;;" + $FinanceAdmin.SID.Value +
")(A;;FA;;;SY)(XA;;0x1200a9;;;AU;((@USER." + $CountryClaimType.Name + " Any_of @RESOURCE." + $CountryResourceProperty.Name + ") && (@USER." + $DepartmentClaimType.Name + "
Any_of @RESOURCE." + $DepartmentResourceProperty.Name + ")))"
PS C:\> Set-ADCentralAccessRule -Identity "Finance Documents Rule" -ResourceCondition $ResourceCondition -CurrentAcl $CurrentAcl

This example creates a new central access rule named Finance Documents Rule with a new resource condition and new permissions.

The new rule specifies that documents should only be read by members of the Finance department. Members of the Finance department should only be able to access documents in
their own country. Only Finance Administrators should have write access. The rule allows an exception for members of the FinanceException group. This group will have read


-- Resource.Department Contains Finance

Access rules:

-- Allow Read User.Country=Resource.Country AND User.department = Resource.Department
-- Allow Full control User.MemberOf(FinanceAdmin)
-- Allow Read User.Country=Resource.Country AND User.department = Resource.DepartmentAllow Read User.MemberOf(FinanceException)

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

PS C:\>Get-ADCentralAccessPolicy -Identity "Finance Policy" | New-ADCentralAccessPolicy -Name "Human Resources Policy" -Description "For the Human Resources Department."

This example creates a new central access policy named Human Resources Policy using the property values from Finance Policy, and set the description to For the Human
Resources Department.