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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Add-CauClusterRole', in PowerShell version 5 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Adds the Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) clustered role that provides the self-updating functionality to the specified cluster.


Add-CauClusterRole [[-ClusterName] <String>] [[-Credential] <PSCredential>] [-CauPluginArguments <Hashtable[]>] [-CauPluginName <String[]>] [-ConfigurationName <String>]
[-DaysOfWeek <Weekdays>] [-EnableFirewallRules] [-FailbackMode <FailbackType>] [-Force] [-GroupName <String>] [-MaxFailedNodes <Int32>] [-MaxRetriesPerNode <Int32>]
[-NodeOrder <String[]>] [-PostUpdateScript <String>] [-PreUpdateScript <String>] [-RebootTimeoutMinutes <Int32>] [-RequireAllNodesOnline] [-RunPluginsSerially]
[-SeparateReboots] [-StartDate <DateTime>] [-StopAfter <TimeSpan>] [-StopOnPluginFailure] [-VirtualComputerObjectName <String>] [-WarnAfter <TimeSpan>] [-WeeksOfMonth
<Int32[]>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Add-CauClusterRole [[-ClusterName] <String>] [[-Credential] <PSCredential>] [-CauPluginArguments <Hashtable[]>] [-CauPluginName <String[]>] [-ConfigurationName <String>]
[-DaysOfWeek <Weekdays>] [-EnableFirewallRules] [-FailbackMode <FailbackType>] [-Force] [-GroupName <String>] [-IntervalWeeks <Int32>] [-MaxFailedNodes <Int32>]
[-MaxRetriesPerNode <Int32>] [-NodeOrder <String[]>] [-PostUpdateScript <String>] [-PreUpdateScript <String>] [-RebootTimeoutMinutes <Int32>] [-RequireAllNodesOnline]
[-RunPluginsSerially] [-SeparateReboots] [-StartDate <DateTime>] [-StopAfter <TimeSpan>] [-StopOnPluginFailure] [-VirtualComputerObjectName <String>] [-WarnAfter <TimeSpan>]
[-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

Search powershellhelp.space


The Add-CauClusterRole cmdlet adds the Cluster-Aware Updating (CAU) clustered role that provides the self-updating functionality to the specified cluster. When the CAU
clustered role has been added to a cluster, the failover cluster can update itself on the schedule that is specified by the user, without requiring an external computer to
coordinate the cluster updating process.

Note: To run this cmdlet, Windows PowerShell® remoting must be enabled on each node. To do this, run the Enable-PSRemoting cmdlet. In addition, ensure that the Windows
Remote Management - Compatibility Mode (HTTP-In) firewall exception is enabled on each node.



Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=287660





PS C:\> Add-CauClusterRole -ClusterName CONTOSO-FC1 -DaysOfWeek Tuesday,Saturday -WeeksOfMonth 2,4 -MaxFailedNodes 2 -MaxRetriesPerNode 2 -PostUpdateScript
\\CONTOSOFileShare\scripts\verifyupdatesinstalled.ps1 -RequireAllNodesOnline –EnableFirewallRules -Force

This example adds the CAU clustered role, using a default name, on the cluster called CONTOSO-FC1. The CAU clustered role is configured to perform Updating Runs on Tuesdays
and Saturdays on the second and fourth weeks of each month. In an Updating Run, the maximum number of failed nodes is two and the maximum number of retries per node is two.
A script called verifyupdatesinstalled.ps1 runs on each node after it has been fully updated. Before an Updating Run can begin, all the nodes of that cluster must be
running. If it is not already enabled, the Remote Shutdown Windows Firewall rule group will be enabled on each cluster node. The cmdlet runs without displaying confirmation


PS C:\> Add-CauClusterRole -ClusterName CONTOSO-FC1 -DaysOfWeek Tuesday,Saturday -WeeksInterval 3 -MaxFailedNodes 2 -MaxRetriesPerNode 2 –EnableFirewallRules -Force

This example adds the CAU clustered role, using a default name, on the cluster called CONTOSO-FC1. The CAU clustered role is configured to perform Updating Runs on Tuesdays
and Saturdays at an interval of every three weeks. In an Updating Run, the maximum number of failed nodes is two and the maximum number of retries per node is two. Updating
Runs can begin even when the nodes of the cluster are not all running (as long as the cluster itself has quorum and is running). If it is not already enabled, the Remote
Shutdown Windows Firewall rule group will be enabled on each cluster node. The cmdlet runs without displaying confirmation prompts.


PS C:\> Add-CauClusterRole -ClusterName CONTOSO-FC1 -CauPluginName Microsoft.WindowsUpdatePlugin, Microsoft.HotfixPlugin -CauPluginArguments @{ 'IncludeRecommendedUpdates' =
'True' }, @{ 'HotfixRootFolderPath' = '\\CauHotfixSrv\shareName' } -StopOnPluginFailure -EnableFirewallRules -Force

This example adds the CAU clustered role, using a default name, on the cluster called CONTOSO-FC1. The CAU clustered role is configured to perform updates using the
Microsoft.WindowsUpdatePlugin plug-in with the optional 'IncludeRecommendedUpdates' parameter set to 'True', and using the Microsoft.HotfixPlugin plug-in using the hotfix
root folder \\CauHotfixSrv\shareName and the default hotfix configuration file. If a failure occurs during the installation of updates on a node by
Microsoft.WindowsUpdatePlugin, updates will not be applied by Microsoft.HotfixPlugin plug-in. If it is not already enabled, the Remote Shutdown Windows Firewall rule group
will be enabled on each cluster node. The cmdlet runs without displaying confirmation prompts.