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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Remove-BitsTransfer', in PowerShell version 4 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Cancels a Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer job.


Remove-BitsTransfer [-BitsJob] <BitsJob[]> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

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The Remove-BitsTransfer cmdlet cancels a BITS transfer job. It deletes the underlying transfer job, removes any temporary files from the client, and deletes the assoc
iated BitsJob object.

When the Remove-BitsTransfer cmdlet cancels a transfer job, it deletes all the transfers. Consider a scenario is which you are transferring three files. One file is c
ompletely transferred, one file is pending, and one file is currently being transferred. In this scenario, Remove-BitsTransfer cancels the whole transfer and deletes
the underlying files. Any files that were already transferred will not be available after you use the Remove-BitsTransfer cmdlet to cancel the transfer job. Optionall
y, you can use a Complete-BitsTransfer command to commit any files that are completely downloaded and to cancel the pending and current transfers. The transferred fil
e would not be deleted and would be available.



Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?linkid=287260




-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

C:\PS>Get-BitsTransfer | Remove-BitsTransfer

This command cancels all the BITS transfer jobs that are owned by the current user.

The output of the Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet is piped to the Remove-BitsTransfer cmdlet. The output is a set of BitsJob objects.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

C:\PS>$b = Get-BitsTransfer -AllUsersPS C:\>Remove-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $b

This command cancels all the BITS transfer jobs on the computer.

The first command retrieves all the BitsJob objects on the computer and then stores them in the $b variable.

The second command uses the BitsJob parameter to pass the BitsJob objects that are stored in the $b variable to the Remove-BitsTransfer cmdlet.