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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'New-EapConfiguration', in PowerShell version 4 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Generates an XML file with the specified EAP configuration.


New-EapConfiguration [[-UseWinlogonCredential]] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-EapConfiguration [-Ttls] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-TunnledEapAuthMethod <XmlDocument>] [-TunnledNonEapAuthMethod <String>]
[-UseWinlogonCredential] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
New-EapConfiguration [-Tls] [[-VerifyServerIdentity]] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-UserCertificate] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonP
New-EapConfiguration [-Peap] [[-VerifyServerIdentity]] [[-TunnledEapAuthMethod] <XmlDocument>] [-AsJob] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-EnableNap] [-FastReconnect <Boo
lean>] [-ThrottleLimit <Int32>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

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The New-EapConfiguration cmdlet creates an XML file with the specified EAP configuration. You use this cmdlet to create the EAP XML configuration file for EAP authent
ication that is then used by the Set-VpnConnection cmdlet or the Add-VpnConnection cmdlet. If errors happen during the generation of the XML file, the error informati
on is returned.



Online Version: http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=290781




Example 1: Create a default EAP configuration object

PS C:\> $A = New-EapConfiguration

This command creates a default EAP configuration object, and stores it in the variable named $A. You can use the XML configuration object stored in the variable when
you create a VPN connection or change the configuration of a VPN connection.

Example 2: Create a customized EAP configuration object

PS C:\> $A = New-EapConfiguration -UseWinlogonCredential

This command creates an EAP configuration object, customized by the UseWinlogonCredential parameter, and stores it in the variable named$A. By specifying the UseWinlo
gonCredential parameter, the EAP configuration object is configured to use MSCHAPv2 as the authentication method, and that Windows logon credentials are used automati
cally when connecting with the VPN connection profile.

Example 3: Create a TLS customized EAP configuration object

PS C:\> $A = New-EapConfiguration -Tls -VerifyServerIdentity -UserCertificate

This command creates a customized EAP configuration object and stores it in the variable named $A. The EAP configuration object is customized by specifying the follow
ing parameters:

--The Tls parameter, which indicates that this configuration object uses EAP-TLS
-- The VerifyServerIdentity parameter, which indicates that the identity of the server to which the client connects is validated
-- The UserCertificate parameter, which indicates that the EAP-TLS authentication method uses a user certificate.

Example 4: Create a TTLS customized EAP configuration object

PS C:\> $A = New-EapConfiguration -Ttls

This command creates an EAP configuration object, customized by the Ttls parameter to use the TTLS authentication method. The configuration object is stored in the va
riable named $A.

Example 5: Create a TTLS EAP configuration object with MSCHAPv2 as the client authentication method

PS C:\> $A = New-EapConfiguration -Ttls -TunnledNonEapAuthMethod MSChapv2 -UseWinlogonCredential

This command creates a new EAP configuration object and stores it in the variable named $A. The EAP configuration object is customized by specifying the following par

-- The Ttls parameter, which indicates that this configuration object uses TTLS as the authentication method
-- The TunneledNonEapAuthMethod parameter with the MSChapv2 value, which specifies that MSCHAPv2 is used as the specific client authentication method
-- The UseWinlogonCredential parameter, which indicates that Windows logon credentials are used automatically when connecting with the VPN connection profile that use
s this EAP configuration object.

Example 6: Create an EAP configuration object and use it as input

This command creates an EAP configuration object configured to use an EAP-TLS authentication method and to verify the server identity. The configuration object is sto
red in a variable named $B.
PS C:\>$B = New-EapConfiguration -Tls -VerifyServerIdentity

This command creates an EAP configuration object configured to use the TTLS authentication method, and specifies the TunnledEapAuthMethod parameter to use the EapConf
igXmlStream created by the first EAP configuration object as the tunnel EAP authentication method.
PS C:\>$A = New-EapConfiguration -Ttls -TunnledEapAuthMethod $B.EapConfigXmlStream

This set of commands creates an EAP configuration object customized with a TTLS authentication method which uses EAP-TLS as the tunneled client authentication method.

Example 7: Create an EAP configuration object that uses PEAP authentication

PS C:\> $A = New-EapConfiguration -Peap

This command creates an EAP configuration object customized by the PEAP parameter to use the PEAP authentication method. The configuration object is stored in a varia
ble named $A.

Example 8: Create a customized EAP configuration object and use it as input

This command creates the EAP configuration object and stores it in the variable named $B. The EAP configuration object is customized to use the TLS authentication met
hod by the Tls parameter, and configured to verify the identity of the server by the VerifyServerIdentity parameter.This command implicitly configures a smart card to
be used for authentication.
PS C:\>$B = New-EapConfiguration -Tls -VerifyServerIdentity

This command uses the EapConfigXmlStream method of the EAP configuration object created in the previous command to specify the value for the TunnledEapAuthMethod para
meter. This command also specifies that PEAP is the authentication method, as specified by the Peap parameter; that NAP is enabled for PEAP, as specified by the Enabl
eNap parameter; and that FastReconnect is enabled, as specified by the FastReconnect parameter.
PS C:\>$a = New-EapConfiguration -Peap -EnableNap -FastReconnect $true -VerifyServerIdentity -TunnledEapAuthMethod $b.EapConfigXmlStream

This set of commands creates an EAP configuration object customized with the TLS authentication method, and then uses its EapConfigXmlStream object as the tunneled au
thentication method.