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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Get-NetQosPolicy', in PowerShell version 3 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Retrieves network Quality of Service (QoS) policies.


Get-NetQosPolicy [[-Name] <String[]>] [-AsJob [<SwitchParameter>]] [-CimSession <CimSession[]>] [-PolicyStore <String>] [-ThrottleLimit
<Int32>] [<CommonParameters>]

Search powershellhelp.space


The Get-NetQosPolicy cmdlet allows users to retrieve Quality of Service (QoS) policies from a computer. QoS policies can originate from many
sources, such as from the administrator of a local computer, from a domain controller, or from applications that use the QoS Windows
Management Instrumentation (WMI) APIs. Therefore, the QoS policies are stored in different locations. If the location as provided by the
PolicyStore parameter is not specified, then this cmdlet retrieves all the policies stored on the local computer (localhost).

ActiveStore is a special location. If ActiveStore is specified as the location, then the user will see all the effective QoS policies,
regardless of where the QoS policies are stored.








PS C:\> Get-NetQoSPolicy
Name : Backup
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : Domain
Precedence : 127
IPProtocol : Both
IPDstPrefix :
DSCPValue : 40

Name : ntttcp 1
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
AppPathName : ntttcp.exe
MinBandwidthWeight : 30

Name : SMB Policy
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
Template : SMB
PriorityValue : 3

This example gets a list of QoS policies stored on the local computer (localhost).


PS C:\> Get-NetQosPolicy -PolicyStore ActiveStore
Name : smb policy
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
Template : SMB
PriorityValue : 3

Name : ntttcp 1
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
AppPathName : ntttcp.exe
MinBandwidthWeight : 30

Name : backup
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
NetworkProfile : Domain
Precedence : 127
IPProtocol : Both
DSCPValue : 40

Name : ftp
Owner : PowerShell / WMI
NetworkProfile : All
Precedence : 127
AppPathName : ftp.exe
ThrottleRate : 1 MBytes/sec

This example gets a list of QoS policies currently effective on the computer.


PS C:\> Get-NetQosPolicy –Name "SMB policy" | Format-List -Property *
User :
AppPathName :
Template : SMB
NetDirectPort : 0
IPProtocol : None
IPPort : 0
IPSrcPrefix :
IPSrcPortStart : 0
IPSrcPortEnd : 0
IPDstPrefix :
IPDstPortStart : 0
IPDstPortEnd : 0
URIRecursive : False
PriorityValue : 3
DSCPValue : -1
MinBandwidthWeight : 0
ThrottleRate : 0
NetworkProfile : All
TemplateMatchCondition : SMB
UserMatchCondition :
AppPathNameMatchCondition :
NetDirectPortMatchCondition : 0
IPProtocolMatchCondition : None
IPPortMatchCondition : 0
IPSrcPrefixMatchCondition :
IPSrcPortStartMatchCondition : 0
IPSrcPortEndMatchCondition : 0
IPDstPrefixMatchCondition :
IPDstPortStartMatchCondition : 0
IPDstPortEndMatchCondition : 0
URIMatchCondition :
URIRecursiveMatchCondition : False
PriorityValue8021Action : 3
DSCPAction : -1
MinBandwidthWeightAction : 0
ThrottleRateAction : 0
Caption :
Description :
ElementName :
InstanceID : {382ACFAD-1E73-46BD-A0A0-64EE0E587B95}\SMB Policy
Name : SMB Policy
Owner : Group Policy (Machine)
Precedence : 127
Version : 2.0
PSComputerName :
ComputerName : CHARLEY-MP1
ClassName : MSFT_NetQosPolicySettingData
Class : ROOT/StandardCimv2:MSFT_NetQosPolicySettingData
CimClass : ROOT/StandardCimv2:MSFT_NetQosPolicySettingData
Namespace : ROOT/StandardCimv2
Properties : {Caption, Description, ElementName, InstanceID...}
CimInstanceProperties : {Caption, Description, ElementName, InstanceID...}
CimSystemProperties : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties

This example gets all of the properties of a specific QoS policy. Some parameters on the left side of the output are actually aliases for real
parameters. For example, the AppName parameter is an alias for the AppPathNameMatchCondition parameter.