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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Get-CimClass', in PowerShell version 3 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Gets a list of CIM classes in a specific namespace.


Get-CimClass [[-ClassName] <String>] [[-Namespace] <String>] [-ComputerName <String[]>] [-MethodName <String>] [-OperationTimeoutSec <UInt32>]
[-PropertyName <String>] [-QualifierName <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Get-CimClass [[-ClassName] <String>] [[-Namespace] <String>] [-MethodName <String>] [-OperationTimeoutSec <UInt32>] [-PropertyName <String>]
[-QualifierName <String>] -CimSession <CimSession[]> [<CommonParameters>]

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The Get-CimClass cmdlet retrieves a list of CIM classes in a specific namespace.

If there is no class name supplied, then the cmdlet returns all the classes in the namespace.

Unlike a CIM instance, CIM classes do not contain the CIM session or computer name from which they are retrieved.







Example 1: Get all the class definitions

PS C:\>Get-CimClass

This command gets all the class definitions under the namespace root/cimv2.

Example 2: Get the classes with a specific name

PS C:\>Get-CimClass -ClassName *disk*

This command gets the classes that contain the word disk in their names.

Example 3: Get the classes with a specific method name

PS C:\>Get-CimClass –ClassName Win32* -MethodName Term*

This command gets the classes that start with the name Win32 and have a method name that starts with Term.

Example 4: Get the classes with a specific property name

PS C:\>Get-CimClass –ClassName Win32* -PropertyName Handle

This command gets the classes that start with the name Win32 and have a property named Handle.

Example 5: Get the classes with a specific qualifier name

PS C:\>Get-CimClass –ClassName Win32*Disk* -QualifierName Association

This command gets the classes that start with the name Win32, contain the word Disk in their names and have the specified qualifier

Example 6: Get the class definitions from a specific namespace

PS C:\>Get-CimClass -Namespace root/standardCimv2 -ClassName *Net*

This command gets the class definitions that contain the word Net in their names from the specified namespace root/standardCimv2.

Example 7: Get the class definitions from a remote server

PS C:\>Get-CimClass -ClassName *disk* -ComputerName Server01, Server02

This command gets the class definitions that contain the word disk in their names from the specified remote servers Server01 and Server02.

Example 8: Get the classes by using a CIM session

PS C:\>$s = New-CimSession -ComputerName Server01, Server02

PS C:\>Get-CimClass -ClassName *disk* -CimSession $s

This set of commands creates a session with multiple computers and stores it into a variable $s using the New-CimSession cmdlet, and then gets
the classes using the Get-CimClass cmdlet.