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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Enable-VMResourceMetering', in PowerShell version 3 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Collects resource utilization data for a virtual machine or resource pool.


Enable-VMResourceMetering [-ResourcePoolName] <String> [[-ResourcePoolType] <VMResourcePoolType>] [-ComputerName <String[]>]
Enable-VMResourceMetering [-VMName] <String[]> [-ComputerName <String[]>] [<CommonParameters>]
Enable-VMResourceMetering [-VM] <VirtualMachine[]> [<CommonParameters>]

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The Enable-VMResourceMetering cmdlet starts collecting resource utilization data for a virtual machine or resource pool.

You can use the Measure-VM or Measure-VMResourcePool cmdlet to obtain this data.

If resource metering is enabled but no NetworkAdapterAcls are configured, Hyper-V configures them to measure total network traffic. To measure
network traffic through an IP range, configure the NetworkAdapterAcls for the IP range before calling this cmdlet. (See
Add-VMNetworkAdapterAcl for more information.)







Example 1

PS C:\>Enable-VMResourceMetering –VMName TestVM

This example starts collecting resource utilization data on a virtual machine named TestVM.

Example 2

PS C:\>Get-VM TestVM | Enable-VMResourceMetering
PS C:\>Get-VM TestVM | Format-List Name,ResourceMeteringEnabled

This example starts collecting resource utilization data on a resource pool named TestResourcePool. (You can determine whether resource
metering is enabled for a resource pool by querying its ResourceMeteringEnabled property.)

Example 3

PS C:\>Enable-VMResourceMetering –ResourcePoolName TestResourcePool –ResourcePoolType MemoryPS C:\>Get-VMResourcePool -Name TestResourcePool
–ResourcePoolType Memory | Format-List Name,ResourceMeteringEnabled

This example uses two commands that show resource metering being enabled and then obtain the data. The first command starts collecting
resource utilization data for a memory resource pool named TestResourcePool. (You can determine whether resource metering is enabled for a
resource pool by querying its ResourceMeteringEnabled property.) The second command retrieves the data in and formats it as a list.

Example 4

PS C:\>Enable-VMResourceMetering –Name TestResourcePool –ResourcePoolType @(“Processor”,”VHD”,”Ethernet”,”Memory”)

This example begins collecting resource utilization data on multiple resource pools with the name TestResourcePool.