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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Debug-Process', in PowerShell version 4 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows 8.1 Enterprise' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Debugs one or more processes running on the local computer.


Debug-Process [-Name] <String[]> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Debug-Process [-Id] <Int32[]> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]
Debug-Process -InputObject <Process[]> [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

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The Debug-Process cmdlet attaches a debugger to one or more running processes on a local computer. You can specify the processes by their process name or process ID (
PID), or you can pipe process objects to Debug-Process.

Debug-Process attaches the debugger that is currently registered for the process. Before using this cmdlet, verify that a debugger is downloaded and correctly configu



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-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

PS C:\>debug-process -name powershell

This command attaches a debugger to the PowerShell process on the computer.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

PS C:\>debug-process -name sql*

This command attaches a debugger to all processes that have names that begin with "sql".

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

PS C:\>debug-process winlogon, explorer, outlook

This command attaches a debugger to the Winlogon, Explorer, and Outlook processes.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 4 --------------------------

PS C:\>debug-process -id 1132, 2028

This command attaches a debugger to the processes that have process IDs 1132 and 2028.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 5 --------------------------

PS C:\>get-process powershell | debug-process

This command attaches a debugger to the PowerShell processes on the computer. It uses the Get-Process cmdlet to get the PowerShell processes on the computer, and it u
ses a pipeline operator (|) to send the processes to the Debug-Process cmdlet.

To specify a particular PowerShell process, use the ID parameter of Get-Process.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 6 --------------------------

PS C:\>$pid | debug-process

This command attaches a debugger to the current PowerShell processes on the computer.

It uses the $pid automatic variable, which contains the process ID of the current PowerShell process. Then, it uses a pipeline operator (|) to send the process ID to
the Debug-Process cmdlet.

For more information about the $pid automatic variable, see about_Automatic_Variables.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 7 --------------------------

PS C:\>get-process -computername Server01, Server02 -name MyApp | debug-process

This command attaches a debugger to the MyApp processes on the Server01 and Server02 computers.

It uses the Get-Process cmdlet to get the MyApp processes on the Server01 and Server02 computers. It uses a pipeline operator to send the processes to the Debug-Proce
ss cmdlet, which attaches the debuggers.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 8 --------------------------

PS C:\>$p = get-process powershell
PS C:\>debug-process -inputobject $p

This command attaches a debugger to the PowerShell processes on the local computer.

The first command uses the Get-Process cmdlet to get the PowerShell processes on the computer. It saves the resulting process object in the $p variable.

The second command uses the InputObject parameter of Debug-Process to submit the process object in the $p variable to Debug-Process.