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This is the built-in help made by Microsoft for the command 'Add-BitsFile', in PowerShell version 3 - as retrieved from Windows version 'Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard' PowerShell help files on 2016-06-23.

For PowerShell version 3 and up, where you have Update-Help, this command was run just before creating the web pages from the help files.


Adds one or more files to an existing Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) transfer job.


Add-BitsFile [-BitsJob] <BitsJob[]> [-Source] <string[]> [[-Destination] <string[]>] [-Confirm] [-WhatIf] [<CommonParameters>]

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The Add-BitsFile cmdlet adds files to a BITS transfer job. You can specify the files to add to the BITS transfer job by name at the command
prompt or in a comma-separated value (CSV) file.

Important: An upload job can contain only one file. To upload more than one file, use the Import-CSV cmdlet, and pipe the output to the
Add-BitsFile cmdlet. For more information, see example 3 in this Help topic. Or, use a cabinet file (.cab) or a compressed file (.zip).



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-------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------

C:\PS>Get-BitsTransfer -JobId 10778CFA-C1D7-4A82-8A9D-80B19224879C | Add-BitsFile -Source http://server01/servertestdir/testfile1.txt
-Destination c:\clienttestdir\testfile1.txt



This command appends a file to the transfer queue of an existing BITS transfer job.

In this example, the output of the Get-BitsTransfer cmdlet is a BitsJob object that is identified by its unique job ID. The command pipes the
job ID to the Add-BitsFile cmdlet. The local and remote names of the file are in the parameters.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------

C:\PS>$b = Get-BitsTransfer -JobId 10778CFA-C1D7-4A82-8A9D-80B19224879C
Add-BitsFile -BitsJob $b -Source http://server01/servertestdir/testfile1.txt, http://server01/servertestdir/testfile2.txt -Destination
c:\clienttestdir\testfile1.txt, c:\clienttestdir\testfile2.txt



This command appends a set of files to the transfer queue of an existing BITS transfer job.

The first command retrieves the BITS transfer job that is identified by the job ID and then stores it in the $b variable. The second command
uses the BitsJob parameter to pass the BitsJob object that is stored in the $b variable to Add-BitsFile.

The server file names are paired with the corresponding client file names.

-------------------------- EXAMPLE 3 --------------------------

C:\PS>$b = Start-BitsTransfer -Suspended
Import-CSV filelist.txt | Add-BitsFile -BitsJob $b
Resume-BitsTransfer -BitsJob $b



These commands add a set of files to the transfer queue of a new BITS transfer job.

The first command creates a new BitsJob object and then stores it in the $b variable.

The second command uses the Import-CSV cmdlet to import a text file that contains a list of files to be transferred. The text file is
converted to an array of objects (one per line) and passed through the pipeline to the Add-BitsFile cmdlet. The BitsJob parameter is used to
pass the BitsJob object (the transfer job) that is stored in the $b variable to the Add-BitsFile cmdlet. This command also updates the
transfer job with the list of files to be transferred.

The third command passes the BitsJob object that is stored in the $b variable to the Resume-BitsTransfer cmdlet. The BITS transfer job is
restarted, and the files that are specified in the Filelist.txt file are transferred from the source to the destination.

The "Import-CSV filelist.txt" element of the second command imports a text file that contains the list of files to be transferred. Each line
of this file specifies a file to be transferred, in the <Source>,<Destination> format. The text file is converted to an array of objects (one
per line) and passed through the pipeline. In this example, the array of objects is passed to the Add-BitsFile cmdlet.

The contents of the Filelist.txt file resemble the following information:

Source, Destination
http://server01/servertestdir/testfile1.txt, c:\clienttestdir\testfile1.txt
http://server01/servertestdir/testfile2.txt, c:\clienttestdir\testfile2.txt
http://server01/servertestdir/testfile3.txt, c:\clienttestdir\testfile3.txt
http://server01/servertestdir/testfile4.txt, c:\clienttestdir\testfile4.txt